App Deletion

Apps can be deleted with or without a cascade option. A cascade delete, deletes both the app and its resources, rather than only the app.

Deletion Using argocd

To perform a non-cascade delete:

  1. argocd app delete APPNAME --cascade=false

To perform a cascade delete:

  1. argocd app delete APPNAME --cascade


  1. argocd app delete APPNAME

Deletion Using kubectl

To perform a non-cascade delete:

  1. kubectl delete app APPNAME

To perform a cascade delete set the finalizer, e.g. using kubctl patch:

  1. kubectl patch app APPNAME -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers": [""]}}' --type merge
  2. kubectl delete app APPNAME

About The Deletion Finalizer

For the technical amongst you, the Argo CD application controller watches for this finalizer:

  1. metadata:
  2. finalizers:
  3. -

Argo CD’s app controller watches for this and will then delete both the app and its resources.

When you invoke argocd app delete with --cascade, the finalizer is added automatically.